With every post, I will attempt to answer questions that were presented to me as well as share some thoughts I've had recently.
Question 1: When did you start? Have you had surgery?
If you're wondering about the physical part of this process, there are very specific standards of care (that you can read in several different languages here) that each individual must follow to have things done safely and properly. This required me to see a therapist for several months before I was even allowed a doctor's appointment for testosterone. My first hormone injection was in August 2005. It immediately changed my life. I had top surgery and a full phalloplasty over the course of just under 10 years due to financial constraints. This stuff is EXPENSIVE!
Question 2: Do you have trouble coming out to people that are close to you?
Yes and no....
There are enough people in my life that know my background that I feel comfortable with leaving it where it currently is. I have never had anyone confront me or say anything rude to my face about my situation, but I am extremely particular about who I tell. Now that I am so far into the process, I can be even more strategic in who knows what. The whole point of my transition is for me to be complete. A whole being. A man in all ways. If there's no logical reason for someone to know, then they don't. It's as simple as that. However, when I do decide to let someone in, it is nerve-wrecking. Once that person knows though, I'm comfortable answering questions and easing previous misconceptions.
**Relationships and dating... 'nother story for a whole 'nother time... **
I was provided with a short message about how great it was to hear about transgender situations and God in one message, and it solidified my reasoning for sharing this information. As I go through all the crazy emotions that comes with transitioning, I have to constantly remind myself that my struggles were not an accident. My pain, grief, misunderstanding, self-loathing and frustration was designed specifically for me! My perspective on these moments though is what makes it different. I could easily be knocked down, forever trapped in my own negativity. However, every single moment was placed on my path to build me up, give me strength and gain a deeper relationship with God. I have not been forgotten. I am not alone. God will provide!
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
Goodnight! I wish you well.
-Anonymous Joe
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