This is one of the harder topics for me to talk about, but I did have a couple questions about it. So, I'll do my best...
How has dating been for you?
This is hard because every relationship I've been in has been so different mostly because they all happened at different times in my transition. I have a bad habit of getting attached to acceptance, and that's what gets me in trouble - every time. Currently, dating and relationships are completely off the table. I feel like I need to keep working on myself and my own personal growth and acceptance before I can be a part of a healthy relationship. I've been in a few long term relationships as well as a couple shorter endeavors. All have helped me grow and I am forever grateful for those experiences.
I can tell you this... I'm incredibly paranoid of leading people on or misleading someone when it comes to having anywhere near feelings for me. So, I am very cautious about telling anyone I date about it. I am diligent about being up front about it as soon as possible if there's even a remote chance of something happening.
There have been so many times even still that I've thought I wasn't good enough, not man enough, for a true, lasting, loving relationship. My insecurities in this regard completely take over sometimes, and I just have to remember to breathe and accept my situation. I accepted that I may never be a dad and I may never be a husband, and that's OK. All I can do is pray about it and have full trust in God's plan.
"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." Matthew 7:7
-Anonymous Joe